Exercising your dog--Why it's crucial for your dog's health?

The role that exercise plays in your dog's life cannot be overstated. It doesn't just play a major role in his physical health, but it also contributes to his mental wellbeing.

Unfortunately, as we are getting more and more overweight--so too are our dogs. And, as we are living more and more sedentary lifestyles--so too our dogs. The consequences of this is well known in humans: Heart problems, diabetes, problems breathing, arthritis, etc. What it amounts too--is a decrease in life expectancy, and the increased likelihood of developing a major illness.

The exact same problems are to be found in overweight--under-exercised dogs.

Mental and emotional problems can also be traced to a lack of exercise. Exercise involves mental stimulation, the antidote to canine boredom, depression and anxiety.

Going for a walk means, a plethora of smells, old and new. Some of which already exist in the mental filing cabinet, others to be added. Walking on the lead, includes obeying a variety of commands. A source of learning--and thus education. Off the lead exercise involves investigating sounds, other creatures, new people, and other dogs.

This is all part of the socialisation process--which is essential if you want a well-adjusted, healthy dog.

How much exercise? Your going to have to be the judge of this by observing your dog's behaviour after the walk. If your dog behaves as if it's exhausted--then it probably is-- and you need to ease up a bit.

On the other hand if you come back from the walk, and your dog is still running around at 50 mph, then she probably needs more exercise. Whether you take your dog out once, twice or more per day, it's your recognition of your dog's physical boundaries, that will determine the right level of exercise that your pet needs.

Did you say that your a bit deaf?

Exercising your dog isn't just about going for a walk.

Perhaps, an even more important aspect of exercising your pet is playing with her. Most dog owners play with their pet as a puppy, but as the dog gets older they tend to ease up, and then eventually stop playing with their dog altogether. This is a major mistake.

Playing with your puppy helps to establish the bond, that will grow, and strengthen, between you. As the dog matures, play helps to teach it the rules. It becomes one of the cornerstones of training, and thus education. In the older dog your reinforcing the lessons learnt earlier in life. And also providing a source of physical and mental exercise, that should carry on throughout your dog's lifetime.

Play time and exercising your pet.

There's a multitude of Dog Toys available, and any number of games can be devised by utilising them.

Tug-of -war games with a suitable toy can channel a dog's energy in to a positive learning experience. Chewy bones can be used for hide and seek games, and are also useful for dealing with Canine Separation Anxiety -- being "Home Alone"

Suitable Play balls, and Frisbees can turn the yard or park in to a gymnasium, and training ground, for Sit, Stay, and Fetch commands. Nothing demonstrates better the origin, strength and agility of a dog than retrieve games.

There is another benefit of exercising your pet. And that is the health benefit to you. I don't need to spell out the physical one's--but the mental benefits a person can derive from simply walking and playing with their dog, in these stressful times, can not be overstated.

So now you know All About exercising your dog--Why not Check Out Feeding your Dog.

Dog dreams of his dinner!

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