How to keep the peace between dogs and other pets.....

Keeping the peace between dogs and other pets has definetely got its problems. Simply because-- introducing another dog to your home will change your existing pet's situation.

You might think that you are providing him with a new pal and companion--but he might view the newcomer as a threat to his position in the household. No two dogs are the same, but there are some breed characteristic's that make intergration a far easier prospect.

Consequently, rule number 1: Do your research in to the temperament of the breed of dog that you are going to introduce in to your home. If you forsee problems, maybe a re-think is in order.

What about your own dog's attitude to other dogs? Is he interested in other dogs? Friendly? Playful? In general sociable? Or does he tolerate them? Behaves aggressively? In general is unsociable?

Again--If you forsee problems, maybe a re-think is in order.

OK--Its your belief that your dog is sociable, and will pal up with a new dog. You even arranged for a friend's dog [or a puppy, if that's what you have decided on] to visit your home, and things went pretty smoothly. Now you need to plan stage two:

Don't bring the new dog straight in to your home.

Let them meet under circumstances that offer diversions in case things don't go as planned. The most obvious situation is a walk. Some dogs take to each other immediately, other's take time.

Dogs usually resolve their own canine problems.

Establishing who ranks above who, is often very subtle, and sometimes invisible to even a keen observer of dog behaviour. Therefore, don't interfere in a natural process, unless an actual fight breaks out.

Dog Loves Cat-Cat Loves Dog!
  1. If he's possessive of his toys, remove them at first.
  2. Don't expect them to share the same bed--it won't happen.
  3. Feed them seperately at first. Stealing food is definitely fighting talk.
  4. Don't allow jealousy to become a problem. Initially, favour your first dog over the new dog. Feeding him first, giving him your attention first. And initiating play with him first.
  5. Maintaining the previous equilibrium, will help in maintaining the peace. Equality comes a little later.

Usually introductions go well--Your first dog simply viewing him as a visitor on a prolonged vacation. The new dog, still finding his feet, reinforces this view. However, don't leave them alone together until your certain that canine harmony reigns supreme.

Your own commonsense, knowledge of your first dog, and a growing awareness of your new dog--will make things run smoothly.

Problems between dogs and other pets?

Fighting like cats and dogs?

In all of the cat/dog relationships that I have observed, the cats have ruled the roost over the dogs. Consequently, it's my belief that this has to be the case, otherwise the cat packs his bag, and goes to live with your neighbours.

  1. Few if any cats will obey, or even listen to a human command, therefore in any cat/dog relationships,it's the dog that has to be educated.
  2. If you believe that your dog[s] would attack a cat--maybe a re-think is in order.
  3. Don't take your dog's behaviour for granted, assuming that because he lived in harmony with a cat before, that he'll be okay with any cat.
  4. Start off with your dog on his lead for the initial introduction. Control of the dog is key.
  5. If the cat is frightened by the dog during the first encounter, things may take a long time before they reach a happy conclusion.
  6. You must be firm with your dog, let him understand by the tone in your voice that lunging/ growling at the cat will not be tolerated.
  7. Watch your cats behaviour if it seems unimpressed by the dog--your on the right track.

If things seem to be going okay, and everyone involved is behaving well. Then all concerned thoroughly deserve to be praised and rewarded with a treat..... Especially you, as this can be a particularly harrowing experience.

Rinse and repeat these encounters several times over the next few days.

Making friends takes time, and your judgment is important in when to slip the lead. In fact your judgment from the very start is crucial, as to whether or not this budding relationship will work, or not.

Its often your dog that will have to be courageous enough to approach your cat and make friends. Or perhaps bow to will of the cat. None of this is going to happen overnight.

Keep on eye on each of them to make sure no canine/feline rights are infringed upon. Needless to say don't leave them unsupervised until your certain that they won't fight like "cats and dogs". That's all about dogs and other pets............

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